Winter is the Warmest Season

You might not agree with me right now, but winter IS actually the warmest season.  Yep, that's right.  And if you're saying, "Uh, uh.  No way!" then you might want to read this book by Lauren Stringer and see if she might persuade you otherwise.

I absolutely love this book.  Winter is the Warmest Season shows readers that the things we do in winter are quite warm.  Things like bundling up in scarves and mittens, sitting by the fire, and drinking hot drinks.  Snuggling under blankets and spending time cuddling with family.  Convinced yet?

I use this book every year in January to kick off my opinion/persuasive writing unit of study.  At first, students are like, "No way!  Summer is the warmest!" But then I teach them that this author is going to try to convince us that winter is actually the warmest.  Afterward, we write about what makes winter warm and cozy for us.  We will be doing this on our first day back, which is a fantastic time to talk about what makes us warm because students have just spent all of winter break with family doing things that make them feel warm and cozy inside.

I highly recommend this book with its beautiful illustrations as an addition to your opinion / persuasive writing unit this year.

Stay warm friends!

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